ethics in Qualitative Research

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Nancy Stephany Viorato Romero
Vianey Reyes García


Introduction. In order to understand the ethical implications of qualitative research, we must break the topic down into various components. To that end, this essay begins with a brief overview of the science before looking at research in its general context as well as specific characteristics of qualitative research, including, of course, its ethical aspects. Body. While qualitative research shares many ethical aspects with research in general, some aspects are proper to qualitative research due to its specific methodology. Therefore, this essay analyzes and discusses two suggestions made in other studies and draws from them twelve essential ethical requirements for qualitative research. Conclusion. Research without ethics can have negative results for those involved and can put into question the credibility, professionalism, and authenticity of the researcher1.


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How to Cite
Viorato Romero, N. S., & Reyes García, V. (2019). ethics in Qualitative Research. CuidArte Journal, 8(16).
Author Biographies

Nancy Stephany Viorato Romero, Facultad de Estudios Superiores, UNAM.

Estudiante del Porgrama de Maestría en Enfermería, UNAM.

Vianey Reyes García, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM.

Estudiante del Programa de Maestría en Enfermería, UNAM.


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