¿Derecho de rectificación, derecho de respuesta o derecho de réplica?

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Alejandro Rosas Martínez


The so-called rights of rectification, of response and of reply, are concepts intimately linked to the constitutional right of freedom of speech. Is important to define, determinate and regulate these rights, if the intention is to build properly a democratic State. A conceptual analysis, in a local, national, regional and international level, will be useful to establish a theory about these rights.

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How to Cite
Rosas Martínez, A. (2011). ¿Derecho de rectificación, derecho de respuesta o derecho de réplica?. Derecho Comparado De La Información, (18). Retrieved from https://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/dci/article/view/28068

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