La relación familiar como un factor que predice el embarazo adolescente

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Laurie Rionda Marin Foucher
Ana Villafañe Gurza


This article pretends to describe the family environment as a factor that predicts adolescent pregnancy, based on a quantitative transversal correlational study. The group was taken randomly from 31 pregnant adolescents between 12 to 19 years old at a medical private institution. The comparative group was taken from 51 non pregnant adolescents with similar characteristics. By the Family Environment Scale (FES) by Moos (1974) which has a .78 of alpha and a r < .80, with 90 items which were self-applied by the subjects. The results obtained describe that in expressiveness, independence and intellectual - cultural orientation areas, the subjects present significant differences (IND, t=4.25, p<.000), meaning that an adequate or inadequate perception of the family environment is not the principal factor that predicts adolescent pregnancy. These results open the possibility for further investigations about the individual factors that could predict adolescent pregnancy.

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How to Cite
Marin Foucher, L. R., & Villafañe Gurza, A. (2010). La relación familiar como un factor que predice el embarazo adolescente. Revista Electrónica De Psicología Iztacala, 9(3). Retrieved from