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Luciana Kamila Rodrigues Ferreira
Luciane Mara Cardoso Freitas
Gustavo Ross Ribeiro Lima
Andrea Limaverde de Araújo
Fernando José Araújo da Silva


This paper shows the eutrophication degree in artificial lentic structures located in the Brazilian semiarid. Fourteen reservoirs were sampled quarterly from 2015 to 2021. The study variables comprised the fraction of available volume (AV) in the day of sample collection, annual rainfall (PP), total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), chlorophyll a (Chla), transparency (Z) and density of cyanobacteria (CB). The Trophic State Index (TSI) was determined in the reservoirs. Also, among the information of the study, bivariate analysis (through correlations) and multivariate analysis (through Principal Components Analysis) were performed. The values ​​of TSI showed Eutrophic state character. For annual cycles both arithmetic and geometric means can be applied. The climatic association variables (AV and PP) had negative effect on the accumulation of nutrients and consequent increase in eutrophication. Multivariate analysis suggested similar results. However, internal phenomena in water seem to be stronger than those related to climate in driving eutrophication. Findings also showed that cyanobacterial density is enhanced by N:P < 20 had no significant association with climatic variables.


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Rodrigues Ferreira, L.K., Cardoso Freitas, L.M., Ribeiro Lima, G.R. , Limaverde de Araújo, A. and Araújo da Silva , F.J. 2023. A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS ON THE TROPHIC STATE IN RESERVOIRS IN CEARÁ, BRAZILIAN SEMI-ARID. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 16, 3 (Dec. 2023), 971–986. DOI:https://doi.org/10.22201/iingen.0718378xe.2023.16.3.83606.


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