Factores que inciden en la migración irregular, el caso de 250 migrantes centroamericanos

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Ma. del Rosario Silva Arciniega


Due to its geography, Mexico is the path that migrants who travel by land with the intention of reaching the United States cross, and thousands of people have traveled through its territory traveling alone, accompanied and now in a caravan. In 2018 there were two of the largest, one in March and the second in October of the same year. From there arose the interest to investigate What are the factors that affect the irregular migration of a sample of Central American migrants located in the Benito Juárez pool in Tijuana, B.C., from the fall 2018 caravan?
An exploratory factorial, field and cross-sectional study was projected, the variables handled in the study were: Independent: Irregular Migration understood as the movement of people between countries outside the procedures established by governments for their free passage and permanence (UNICEF, 2020), and was measured from the response given on the nationality of the migrants surveyed and housed in the Benito Juárez shelter, in Tijuana B. C.

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How to Cite
Silva Arciniega, M. del R. . (2024). Factores que inciden en la migración irregular, el caso de 250 migrantes centroamericanos. Trabajo Social UNAM, (32). https://doi.org/10.22201/ents.20075987p.2023.32.86962 (Original work published October 18, 2023)


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