The role of nutrition and the socioeconomic factor in the face of the pandemic

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Hugo Antonio Hernández Pérez
Sandra Elisa Castellanos Castellanos
Alan Aldair Vera González
Zamara Lizbeth Romo León


Since covid-19 was declared pandemic, different pharmacological treatments have been sought to counteract it. Simultaneously, proposals that associate the role of nutrition and prevention of covid-19 have been published, including, strategy proposals of dietary supplementation which intend that patients with the disease, do not course the most severe stages. Thus, nutritional aid represents an instrument against covid-19. The foregoing acquires significant relevance in those patients with diverse comorbidities associated with severe stages of covid-19 like diabetes, obesity and hypertension. According to nom-043-ssa2-2005, the correct diet refers to the nourishment unit, that is, the set of food and dishes that are consumed daily and that have the following characteristics: complete, balanced, innocuous, sufficient, varied and adequate, which is achieved through a good nourishment culture and the feasibility of access to food that is influenced by the socioeconomic factor. Latin America has a high percentage of its population in poverty conditions, the comorbidities mentioned and a poorly nutritious diet, therefore has a higher risk to develop the severe stages of covid-19. The aim of the work is to present an overview of the information related with nutrition that is presented as an element that can be added to the treatment of patients that suffer from covid-19 and link with the socioeconomic factor of the population. Among the conclusions generated, it is indicated that a nutrition plan with focus on prevention or nutritional aid against covid-19 is a factor that can be added to the treatment of patients that course the infection caused by sars-cov-2. It is a fact that disparity observed in the nutritional field depends to a large extent on the socioeconomic factor which determines the type of food and the frequency that can be consumed by the members of the family.

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How to Cite
Hernández Pérez, H. A., Castellanos Castellanos, S. E., Vera González, A. A., & Romo León, Z. L. (2021). The role of nutrition and the socioeconomic factor in the face of the pandemic. Acta Sociológica, (83), 67–90.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Hugo Antonio Hernández Pérez, Coordinador de Laboratorios en la Facultad de Química de la UNAM

Doctor en Ciencias por la UNAM

Sandra Elisa Castellanos Castellanos, Facultad de Química de la UNAM

Estudiante de la licenciatura Química Farmacéutico Biológica en la Facultad de Química de la UNAM

Alan Aldair Vera González, Universidad Tecnológica de México

Estudiante de licenciatura en Nutrición por la Universidad Tecnológica de México

Zamara Lizbeth Romo León, Universidad Tecnológica de México

Estudiante de licenciatura en Nutrición por la Universidad Tecnológica de México