La revolución científica y tecnológica y la sociedad postindustrial

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Mauricio Schoijet


The literature about scientific and technological topics, explores frequently the idea that we are in the middle of a scientific and technological revolution and that capitalist society advances towards a post-industrial society, characterized by an increasingly greater weight of the Service sector. The backgrounds of the scientific revolution in the XVIII century are examined in order to show that even if it is a widely studied topic, there is no agreement among historians about some aspects of this history event. The literature on the scientific and technological revolution and the post-industrial society is reviewed, in particular authors such as Daniel Bell, Radovan Richta and several soviet authors to suggest that they wielded con- fused ideas, that they played a role to obscure the contradictions of capitalism as well as to promote the ideology of reformism. Some empirical data are also examined to show that the economic evolution of the last decades does not verify the optimistic projections offered by the authors mentioned above. It is suggested that it is necessary to examine in greater de- tail the history experience of the scientific and technological revolutions.


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Schoijet, M. (2015). La revolución científica y tecnológica y la sociedad postindustrial. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Políticas Y Sociales, 43(171).


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